Teen driving safety in Colorado

Posted On October 12 2016 | Firm News,Motor Vehicle Accidents

Teenagers can’t wait until they are old enough to drive and have freedom. It’s a milestone in becoming a licensed driver; however, Colorado laws for teen drivers have helped to reduce accidents vastly among the young drivers.

Colorado is one of a number of states with graduated driver licensing laws. These rules help young drivers gain experience without distractions and stay focused on the road and other vehicles. Let’s learn more about some of the laws that apply to help keep teen drivers safe in the state. 

Graduated Driver Laws for Colorado

Teenagers with a permit must have a passenger with them that is a driving instructor, a parent or legal guardian or an adult that is at least 21 years of age with a driver’s license who is authorized by the parent or guardian and this person must be in the front seat with a seat belt on them.

In addition, for the first six months after receiving a driver’s license a teenager is not allowed to carry passengers under 21 years old, unless they also have a parent or guardian in the vehicle.

For the following six months, a teen driver may have one person in the car with them that is under 21 years old without further supervision. A sibling or a passenger with a medical emergency is an exception to this regulation. At no time can the teen driver have more than one person in the front seat of a vehicle while they are driving. These laws help reduce the number of serious injuries if the driver is involved in a crash.

Cell Phones and Texting

Drivers under the age of 18 are more likely to be driving distracted. Therefore, they are not to use a cell phone or text and in doing so may lose their license and incur a fine. The exception to this law is if they need to make an emergency call to the fire department or police.


After holding a license for the first year, a teen driver has a curfew of no driving between midnight and 5 in the morning unless an instructor, guardian or parent is in the car with them. An exception is to drive to or from school or work and they need a statement from the place they are traveling to or from. Medical emergencies and emancipated minors are excused from this curfew.

The curfews may vary by your city in Colorado. It is best to check with your local Department of Transportation for the facts to follow.

Colorado’s serious injury rates and deaths among teen drivers are on a steady decrease due to these restrictions on teen drivers. If you have an injury in an accident caused by another negligent driver, please contact an attorney for information.