Some statistics about motorcycle accidents

Posted On January 27 2015 | Firm News,Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motorcyclists in Colorado might be interested in learning more about some facts and statistics related to motorcycle accidents. State law only require motorcycle riders and passengers aged 17 and younger to wear helmets while in transit. Most states have similar laws, but several have helmet laws that apply to everyone. Only three states have no laws in place that mandate helmet use while riding a motorcycle.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 4,660 motorcyclists were killed by crashes during 2013, declining by over 6 percent from the previous year. That same year, approximately 88,000 motorcyclists were injured in accidents, representing more than a 5 percent decline from 2012. In that year, 14 percent of all traffic fatalities were motorcyclists. Statistics indicate that motorcyclists at least 40 years of age accounted for 56 percent of the deaths in 2012, while only accounting for 46 percent during 2003.

Researchers noted that older riders seem to be more prone to sustaining serious injuries in comparison to younger motorcyclists. Older motorcyclists suffer declining reflexes and visions, while being more likely to roll over due to the larger bikes they typically favor. The data also shows that motorcycles are typically associated with a significantly higher fatality rate than any other vehicle type.

People who are injured in motorcycle accidents caused by another person might benefit from consulting legal counsel. Lawyers typically help injured victims determine whether or not another party can be found culpable for causing the ensuing damages. Legal counsel might be able to help plaintiffs obtain restitution designed to account for repair expenses and other property damage, medical costs and loss of income resulting from the collision.

Source: Insurance Information Institute, “Motorccyle Crashes”, accessed on Jan. 26, 2015