
Local Coach Uses Position to take Advantage of Parents

Posted On April 22, 2010 I Firm News

I have the pleasure of representing a local man who has been defrauded by the coach of his daughter’s high school fastpitch softball team. A story in today’s Daily Camera tells the story.

Ryan Wilson’s Family Will Get It’s Day in Court

Posted On March 30, 2010 I Firm News

Today, a Federal District Court Judge denied a Motion for Summary Judgment filed in Wilson v. Taser International, Case No. 07-cv-01844. I represent Ryan Wilson’s mother, Wendy Wilson in this case. The Daily Camera has the story here.

Health Insurance Consumer Protection

Posted On March 26, 2010 I Firm News

I will leave the politics of health insurance reform to others. Whatever your political persuasion there are important consumer protections provided by the new legislation that all Americans ought to know about. According to the White House’s own website…

Under …

Scary Data for the Parents of Teenagers

Posted On March 8, 2010 I Firm News

My wife and I only have one teenager left in our home. Our other children have theoretically grown up. But, very few things are more frightening then being the parent of a teenager with a car. And, the data backs …

Former CU Student to get $230,000 settlement

Posted On March 4, 2010 I Firm News

The Daily Camera’s Heath Urie wrote a nice article on settlement of case for client of mine with the City of Boulder. You can read it here.

The full statement I sent to Mr. Urie was:

Council members for the

Purvis Thomson, LLP — 25 years helping people

Posted On March 1, 2010 I Firm News

Today is 25th anniversary of 1st day of business for the law firm I call home – Purvis Thomson, LLP. Congratulations to John Purvis and Bill Gray! This law firm has helped an awful lot of people over the years. …

Picture above my desk/computer

Posted On March 1, 2010 I Firm News

My wife, who shares a birthday with my law firm, gave me a picture years ago that sits above my desk. It reads:

Time to Live: Life grants us the opportunity to write our own destiny. Our fate is not